Boom Boost was developed as a sub-brand for Boost Juice with the aim of adding something new and unique to their product range whilst expanding on their target market.
Boom Boost is a new line of juices that offer health benefits to the consumer. They are targeted towards the female Baby Boomer market, therefore loosely taking in ages between 50-70, and would be sold in supermarkets for added convenience to this consumer.
A new twist on Boost’s current vibrant and energetic style led to the creation of fruit juice packaging that is simply covered in vectorised fruit. Through doing so, the primary consumer can feel young, energetic and social with Boost Juice still holding it’s current younger market as a secondary consumer of this product.
As an extension to the brand a Point of Sale display was designed and was accompanied by some street and shopping centre posters. Similar to the packaging, the design of these focuses on energy and social activity.